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New Neighbours Together is joining the network as Burnley City of Sanctuary.
Our MISSION STATEMENT is to supports and help asylum seekers and refugees in Burnley. We recognise that people arriving here may have undergone significant traumas and difficulties in their own countries. Many have faced arduous and dangerous journeys in search of a safe place to live. We aim to provide a welcome which makes them feel accepted and more at home, helping them to settle here and become part of our local community.

We are a grass roots charity. Our project is totally staffed and run by volunteers. Since we started up we have helped well over 100 people. We work with familes seeking asylum or arriving here as part of the Syrian Refugee Resettlement Project. People come from many countries including people from Iraq and Iran, people from Ghana, Nigeria, The Sudan, The Congo, South India, Albania, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Syria. We also help single young men and people in surrounding areas.